Setting up 3cx on your mobile phone

Setting up 3cx on your mobile phone

First you will want to download the 3cx app on whatever device you want it on. It should look like this.3cx_app_app_store.jpg

While that is installing, open the 3cx webclient on your computer. It should automatically pull up when you open chrome for the first time, but if it doenst use the following url: 
Login using your username and password.


Next click settings


Then you are going to click "scan qr code"

click_scan_qr_code.PNGNow we have our qr code! Go ahead and go back to your phone.mceclip0.png

Open up the camera app and hold the camera over the qr code. This popup should appear. Go ahead and click it.


Next click open in 3cx and it will provision the app to work with your 3cx account!welcome_email.jpg



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